Understanding Our Inner Selves
Personal Self Integration (PSI) is a therapeutic approach rooted in ancient systems that offers practical ways of meeting and engaging with our Subconscious, or Inner Selves. Becoming integrated with our Subconscious Selves is essential for a healthy and thriving existence.
Learn more as Dr. Paul J Mills and Rev. Tiffany Barsotti discuss
What Does Personal Self Integration Have to Do with Healing?
Enrollment is now open for 2024 Personal Self Integration.
This course is invite only.
Before booking a discovery session with Tiffany and Paul, be sure to watch one or both of the above videos.

A model that offers practical ways of going within to meet our Subconscious or Inner Selves. By way of guided meditations, we meet each of these Inner Selves, which are different energies representing different aspects of our subconscious and conscious minds. Becoming integrated with the subconscious and conscious minds is essential for our healthy and thriving existence. This Archetypal Journey begins with meeting your Subconscious Selves.
In these sessions, we will meet the Inner Selves individually and find out how they affect what is being manifested in our lives. The goal is to listen to what deep fears and desires exist and work toward win-win agreements internally BEFORE taking action. The simplistic beauty of PSI is no dogma or precepts required. It is an agnostic process and works regardless of your religious or spiritual orientation. PSI is a powerful means of transformation that asks you to know yourself, be patient and love yourself in the process and will help with those things if you have not been able to persistently love yourself yet.
This wheel depicts the High Self and the 6 Inner Selves and some of their attributes. These Inner Selves have specific relationships to the fields or planes around the body.
To open up intuition and innate healing abilities
To know our shadow aspects as well as our light
To integrate ALL aspects of ourselves in a togetherness and co-creative existence
To experience our own power and manage our own energies well, not needing power or control of anyone or anything else
To experience an inner harmony for healthy and conscious creating
To live a connected vertical relationship with the Divine world and the Material world
To recognize when in the horizontal modes of fear and use tools to navigate back to the vertical
Transcending stressors for the purpose of healthy and conscious transition at the time of death
1) Outer Self Personality
The conscious mind and physical body. The Outer-Self is the everyday leading or bleeding edge decision maker; the personality we see in the mirror. Like a coach of a team, the desire is to have all your players healthy and able to be in the game. We have free will to choose. Destiny and fate play a role; however, we are all sovereign over our choices.
Inhabited by 5 Inner Selves in the subtle energy bodies or biofield:
2) Body Self
Inhabits the etheric body – the etheric body has 2 main parts which inter-relate to each other. The Body Self is greatly influenced by the thoughts and emotions, desires, beliefs and attitudes of the Outer Self as well as the other Inner Selves. The Body Self wants to be appreciated, loved and cherished.
3) Female Self
She is our feminine yin aspect of our being – the Female Self is receptive in nature and relates to relationships of all types. Female Selves are learning the lessons of love before power.
4) Male Self
He is our masculine or yang aspect of our being – the Male Self is all about taking action and also relates to our relationships, love, business, family, etc. Male Selves are learning the lessons of power before love.
For healthy and thriving love relationships, the Female and Male selves need to have internal trust of one another, trust the Outer-Self, and want the love relationships.
If this integration is incomplete, the default of how mom and dad did relationships will be what plays out.
5) Mental Judge Self
The archetypal leader of the mental field. This aspect of our Inner Selves ultimately seeks liberation. The Mental Judge Self seeks power and control before it is liberated, and can often be a bully to other Inner Selves or other people. This self can also be very condemning, demeaning, and judgmental to the other inner-selves as well as to others in everyday life. Liberation happens after he/she feels safe to trust and work with the Outer Self and is released of limiting beliefs and deep fears.
6) Astral Judge Self
The archetypal leader of the astral field or plane. The Astral Judge Self has some similarity to the Mental Judge Self, except that the primary source of its grievances has to do with emotions (anger, sadness, fear, guilt, shame, grief, despair, etc.). Often these emotions are in response to dealing with the Mental Judge Self and the Outer Self’s treatment of the Astral Judge Self. The Mental Judge Self makes easy prey of the Astral Judge Self. What both have in common is that they like to create and work and focus on creative projects.
7) High Self
The High Self lives in the Causal body and radiates down to all aspects of our fields, and is usually seen clairvoyantly 18-24 inches above the head. The High Self as a term is used interchangeably with Guardian Angel or Higher Soul. The High Self is essentially an aspect of the Central Sun that comes to be here with us individually for this life journey. The High Self waits patiently for us to connect and create a relationship. Angelic rules apply here; we must ask. Every once a while there is a Divine intervention, i.e., mystically moved out of the way of a mac truck, or near death experience or the like. It is ideal if we ask and allow for the Highest and best good for all concerned.
Enrollment is now open for the 2024 PSI Course.
This course is invite only. Apply now.
with Tiffany Barsotti
Enrollment is now open for the 2024 PSI Course.
This course is invite only. Click the button to apply.
Before booking a discovery session with Tiffany and Paul, be sure to watch one or both of the above videos.

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”