The Free Yourself Formula course was an amazing journey that was chock-a-block with meaningful and powerful information, tools and experiences. The guided meditations and processes opened up new pathways and cleared away much of the angst and drama that had been holding me back all my life. The sense of community, love and safety that Dr. Barsotti evoked and engendered was foundational in the ability to thrive and heal. It was a joy to attend each and every day. I highly recommend this course for anyone like myself who is dealing with deep seeded trauma and the resultant anxiety and behaviors negatively impacting the ability to live life to the full.
— Valeri Pfahning - Participant, Free Yourself Formula

Tiffany brought meaning and wisdom to all my pain...physical, mental and emotional. I see a path forward.

The session was what I needed.
— Jayne Erickson - Customer, Esoteric Numerology

This course has brought peace to my psyche. I am so very grateful to have learned the tools that I needed (and didn’t know I needed). What a gift. Thank you so much.
— Laurel Dinerstein - Participant, Free Yourself Formula
I loved it! I’ve had a variety of different readings in my life, and the esoteric numerology session with Tiffany is my favorite! The information I received was very on-point with what I’ve experienced in my life since my first memories as a child. Working with my North Node was very humbling in providing vast details regarding many multiple areas I’m being invited to lean into in order to live at my highest potential. It affirmed the challenges I face as well as the gifts I have. I am at a big transition point in my life, so the session gave me loads of relevant pieces for me to chew on as I strategize my path forward. I was also tickled about how to-the-day accurate my trimester cycle theme-change was recently. So fun! I’m already a student of the tarot, so this system is a good fit for me, as I am familiar with the power and wisdom of the universal archetypes and their influences on my life, now even more so after the session. I appreciate that Esoteric Numerology is something I can return to repeatedly as a guide to inform my decisions and timing as I continue forward in my life; that it’s a profound tool that I can keep in my pocket to know myself better and live more deeply aligned with my life purpose. I wholly recommend a session with Tiffany, and it was also a blessing to receive her intuitive insights during our time together.
— Meghan Quinn - Customer, Esoteric Numerology
Tiffany has helped me greatly with her pearls of wisdom and insights. She’s been able to provide me with great tools and prompts to help navigate the ‘unseen’ realms of reality

I look forward to doing more work together in the near future. Thank you Tiffany 🙏🏻🌹
— Natasha Severino, Customer - 3-5 Session Transformation Packages

Thank you, Tiffany, this is a wonderful introduction to hear more about dreams and encourage people to program a dream to meet another sub-self that is important at this time in your life. Tiffany and Paul, your comments have been enlightening and the moderating with Shiini has been excellent.
— Marcia Emery, Participant - SHIFT Live Event
This was a deeply life-changing course for me. Getting to the source of my anxiety, getting coping skills, identifying roles that my family members and I fill with each other, and building trust with my inner child was like rebuilding the foundation of my understanding of myself. Thank you Tiffany and team for your generous and brilliant guidance in becoming the more fully self-expressed, compassionate, confident, and wise version of myself.
— Zen Honeycutt, Participant - Free Yourself Formula

It was a gift for life, the course brought so much clarity and wisdom to me. Looking back to my experiences, I now know why I did what I did, and how I have now a choice when I face new challenges and opportunities. It also gave me a new perspective on parenting my child, when to help, and how to help her navigate her life. I believe that knowing this at an early age is a blessing that we can give to our children and younger adults.
Thank you Tiffany for offering this course and teaching it so beautifully!

Outstanding learning experience. Very positive and helpful to my personal introspection journey
Tiffany is a gift. I can’t begin to give her any words of wisdom.
— Desneige Datillo, Participant - PSI 2023 & Esoteric Numerolgy

The focused format, inclusive delivery and deep content will transform you if you let it!
— Sandra Harris , Participant - Drama Triangle Solution

This is the only group program I have participated in that offers so much one-on-one support, both during sessions, after sessions, messaging, email, etc. I found the organization of the materials difficult to follow (I’ll be fixing that).
— Tammy Perry, Participant - PSI 2023

Tiffany always gives me answers when I am stuck or if I need to help others. Your guidance makes me feel I am on the right path.
— Ana Tanase, client - Medical Intuition Consult

Grateful for my sessions with Tiffany, I feel like we accomplished much! Tiffany is perceptive, wise, and generous with the insights she shares. Highly recommend.
— Lynn Stull, Client - Medical Intuition Consult

This whole course was so amazing and it’s just the start. I am so grateful for all the generous teaching. I feel like it’s enabled me to make huge progress. Thank you, thank you!
— Dale Allen - Participant, Free Yourself Formula