In these 40 minutes, Dr. Diane Powell, along with Dr. Paul J. Mills and Rev. Tiffany Barsotti, go over their research and Akhil’s BioWell scan to analyze his subtle energy levels that may finally provide an explanation to what others may find as a superhuman power.
Read MoreHave you ever tried to dismantle or cut away the EGO? It doesn't work! I vehemently disagree with any spiritual teacher, guru, or whomever says, "You must disconnect and cut the EGO out or Off. This is dangerous and honestly STUPID advice!
Read MoreYou know when your mind feels like a run-away train and is going nowhere good? This tool and process, I call the Pattern Interrupt, is for those moments to achieve present-moment-awareness.
Read MoreBased on what I'm witnessing, a lot of society is living in a state of confusion NOW. Our brain is in a state of hypnosis, allowing other people and factors to drive our consciousness.
Read MoreAnxiety is real! But the conventional definition needs to be questioned, in my opinion. The APA states: Anxiety is an emotion characterized by tension, worried thoughts, and physical changes like increased blood pressure. People with anxiety disorders usually have recurring intrusive thoughts or concerns.
Read MoreMost of us are aware of the benefits of practicing gratitude, but Science shows more substantial proof that the age-old adage that a grateful heart is indeed a healthier heart.
Tune in to this episode of Heal and Thrive — Science and Spirituality of Gratitude with Tiffany Barsotti and Paul J. Mills.
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